Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Mozu 3.5 residential area decorated Souvenirs way overview

       Pell the ancient farmers wandering surgery group:
2.15-2.17 (Winter): Winter Yateleiya the debris, Jiyouniya model, roasted Bobby, secret elements of the Institute of Nuclear (rare)
3.15-3.17 (the spring): the spring Yateleiya debris Tiffin model spit the Na Pulei lake landscape praise Tel fatigues Doll (rare), Cleveland oni Lake landscape (rare)
5.15-5.17 (the spring): the spring Yateleiya debris Tiffin model spit the Na Pulei the lake landscape praise Tel fatigues dolls (rare), Cleveland oni Lake landscape (rare) (1)

6.15-6.17 (Summer): Summer Yateleiya debris Carl Durham model model unfinished Fry Tucci, model of Dole Han (rare)
8.15-8.17 (Summer): Summer Yateleiya debris Carl Durham model model unfinished Fry Tucci, model of Dole Han (rare)
9.15-9.17 (Autumn): Fall Yateleiya debris, Ani Toth model, Naliqiqi cat claw Krome mirror (rare)
11.15-11.17 (Autumn): Fall Yateleiya debris, Ani Toth model, Naliqiqi cat claw Krome mirror (rare)
12.15-12.17 (Winter): Winter fragments of Yateleiya, Jiyouniya model, roasted Bobby, elements of nuclear secrets Institute (rare)
Pink statue Bronchud: flowers of the the Oder original stone * 1, the fragmentation of the Oder debris * 25 rough Oder debris * 25
Smart surgery ancient statue: flames of the Oder original stone * 1 rough Oder debris * 25 hard Oder debris * 25
Spiegel magician statue: the Maple Leaf Aode original stone * rough Oder debris * 10, hard Oder debris * 15
White beard the Doman inside the statue: ice Oder original stone * 1 hard Oder debris * 25, the fragmentation of the Oder debris * 25
The three villages Welfare: Rock Hill the Beihai merse model the emperor Kang Xiaode model magic crystal Abi Tasman models, giant hammer model
Karl honey Wen teddy bear: the Mozu A Dema Walled City copy eradication Princess chance to drop. (2)

Thinking Barre Il like: the Mozu In A Dema Walled City copy the elimination of lords Lanma Erke when a chance to drop.
Rossiter Bodrum model: Mozu can be exchanged with the enchantment of an exhibit at the NPC of enchantment guardian group.
Hay Linlin model: Mozu Detective Charlie Long NPC at the detective the exhibit can be exchanged.
The Bisi Ken model: Mozu Demon the special temple Command NPC at Special Command exhibits can be exchanged.
Petra barca model: Mozu NPC at Malekutan Brotherhood Brotherhood exhibits can be exchanged.
Iron rake No. model: when to destroy Captain Huth gold in iron rake sign a copy of a chance to drop.
The centuries gold reference model: to destroy buried for thousands of gold in de Uber Neil, cave copy ginseng have a chance to drop.
Surgery with a Pearl Earring ancient: the eradication of crazy Bana gold in the dark puerta copy have a chance to drop.
Casper of the Ke Made model: a chance to drop in the eradication of Chaos in Caspar internal copy of Penelope Trunk.
Pa the Hugh Mendil the coffin Decorations: to eliminate seal the guardian of Islamic Bariah Pa Hugh Mandir temple copy, have a chance to drop

The the Yamanneisi bust: in the abyss of wreckage copy eradication enraged Yamanneisi or into chaos Yamanneisi, have a chance to drop.
Taha Bata wall decorations: the elimination of the S-Class in the dark puerta BOSS Taha Bata chance to drop.
Rudra wall decorations: the elimination of the seal of the Storm Pa Hugh Mandir temple copy Rudra chance to drop. (3)

The Lakejia Wall Hangings: Tames copy eradication arrogant Lakejia or anger Lakejia have a chance to drop.
Dragon Emperor Tiamat wall decorations: the elimination of the Dragon Emperor Tiamat Lair of the Dragon Emperor has a chance to get souvenirs of the Dragon Emperor Tiamat wall decorations.
The Tiamat model: get a certain probability of the Tiamat castle the Dragon Emperor courtyard big box.
Adelaide Cian model: Kamal tasks guardian Saer Pan!
Owl headdress model: playing the Nightingale kerma Los upper right regional the Abu Raoul tribal Birdman patriarch certain chance to gain.
The yellow Jintataer model a certain chance to gain: Down with yellow Jintataer,.
Jia Ernan Model: 165 Legion Mint
Kathy Kirchner model: 250 Army before Mint
Only these, the current version is that I can collect information, do not know there are omissions, welcome to collect control are supplemented.

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